
Educators, buy Allianz Insurance through Credit Union SA and be rewarded

Get $150 cashback!*

Ready for the unexpected.

Educators buy a new Home and Contents, Landlord or Comprehensive Motor insurance policy and you’ll get $150 cashback.*

Don’t miss out!

Why choose Allianz Insurance through Credit Union SA?

For over 100 years, Allianz has been helping Australians with their insurance needs. By choosing Allianz Insurance through Credit Union SA you enjoy great cover along with the added convenience of securing your Home and Contents, Landlord or Comprehensive Motor Insurance in one place, at the same time.

Allianz Home and Contents Insurance

  • Save up to 10% on your first year’s premium when you quote and buy a new policy online.1,2 Plus, save up to 10% when you buy both Buildings and Contents cover under the one policy 1,3
  • Up to 90 days’ building settlement cover when you purchase your new property;8
  • If you’ve insured your contents and your cat or dog is injured in a road accident, we’ll pay up to $500 in any one period of insurance for related veterinary expenses. No excess applies.

Find out more Get a quote now

Allianz Landlord Insurance

  • Quote and buy a new policy online & save up to 10%*‎ on your first years’ premium1,2
  • Up to 90 days’ building settlement cover when you purchase your new property;8
  • Up to $20 million legal liability cover for payment of compensation relating to death, bodily injury or illness, and/or physical loss of or damage to property;.10

Find out more Get a quote now

Allianz Comprehensive Motor Insurance

  • Choose your own repairer11
  • Up to 10% discount on your first years’ premium when you quote and buy a new comprehensive car insurance policy online1,2
  • We'll reimburse you for the costs of travelling from the scene of the accident or to or from the repairer or rental car provider (up to $500)

Find out more Get a quote now


Credit Union SA Limited ABN 36 087 651 232 AFSL/Australian Credit License Number 241066 arranges this insurance as agent of the insurer Allianz Australia Insurance Limited ABN 15 000 122 850 AFS Licence No 234708 (Allianz).

Any advice here does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. Terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply. Before making a decision, please consider the Product Disclosure Statement and key fact sheets available from https://www.creditunionsa.com.au/legal/terms-and-conditions or by calling 13 8777. The relevant Target Market Determination is available by calling 13 8777.

*$150 cashback will be issued for each new Home or Landlord (including building cover) or Comprehensive Motor Insurance policy taken out through Credit Union SA between 24 June 2024 and 18 August 2024. The cashback will be deposited into the Eligible Customers nominated Credit Union SA Bank Account. Credit Union SA may withdraw or amend this offer at any time without notice. Full terms and conditions, including eligibility criteria, available at https://www.creditunionsa.com.au/legal/terms-and-conditions.

1Minimum Premiums: If you are eligible for more than one discount, Allianz applies them in a predetermined order. This means any subsequent discount will be applied to the reduced premium amount after applying any prior discounts and the effect of the subsequent discount will be reduced. For example, the aggregate effect of applying two 10% discounts consecutively means that you will not see the full benefit of both these discounts. Discounts do not apply to taxes or government charges. Discounts do not apply to optional covers for Domestic Workers Compensation / Landlord Workers Compensation, and may not apply to other optional covers (if available and selected). Any discounts/entitlements may be subject to rounding and may only apply to the extent that any minimum premium is not reached.

2 (Home) Online discount: When you quote and buy a new home insurance policy online a discount of up to 10% is applied to your first year’s premium including the following optional covers (if selected); Accidental damage, Flood, Motor Burnout and Portable Contents. This discount is not applied on renewal.

(Landlord) When you quote and buy a new Landlord Insurance policy online, a discount of up to 10% is applied to your first year’s premium including the following optional covers (if selected): Flood and Rent Default and Theft by Tenant. This discount isn’t applied on renewal.

3Combined Discounts: A discount of up to 10% is applied to your premium when you combine Buildings and Contents covers on one policy, including for the following optional covers if selected: Motor Burnout and Accidental damage cover. The combined discount does not apply to Landlord policies, Flood or Portable contents cover.

8There is no premium payable for Building settlement cover. Building settlement cover is available if you enter into a 12-month Home/Landlord insurance policy with Buildings cover (12-month policy) with Allianz in connection with the purchase of a residential home/investment property. It is not available for land-only ownership or Strata Title properties. Cover is subject to normal underwriting terms and is offered subject to your eligibility for Home or Landlord Insurance. It provides cover for your home building from the date Allianz agrees to enter into the 12-month policy with you and expires on the date of settlement of your home as nominated by you. This period cannot exceed 90 days and will be shown as the Building settlement cover period on your schedule. Building settlement cover is provided on the same terms, conditions, limits and exclusions of your Home or Landlord (as applicable) insurance policy (which are set out in the Buildings cover section of the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), and any Supplementary PDS provided and your policy schedule) during the Building settlement cover period shown on your schedule. For both Home and Landlords insurance neither Contents cover nor any of the optional covers applies during the Building settlement cover period shown on your schedule. If these are shown as covered on your schedule, they will apply from the effective date of your 12-month policy shown on your schedule. Landlord contents which is provided as an additional benefit under Buildings cover is not excluded (Landlord policies only). The 12-month policy will commence immediately following the expiry of the Building settlement cover period shown on your schedule. Once the policy is purchased, the expiry date of your Building settlement cover and the commencement date of your 12-month policy cannot be changed unless agreed to by Allianz in writing (acting reasonably). You must consider whether you need insurance for your settlement period as this varies from state to state and may also depend on the terms of your contract for sale of property and if so whether the Building settlement cover meets your needs. Home Buildings settlement cover does not provide cover for contents, which include curtains, carpets, and blinds, You should consider whether you require cover for your contents during this period and for Landlord settlement cover whether Landlord Contents is sufficient. Please seek independent advice to ensure that you are adequately covered at the appropriate time.

10Up to $20m legal liability cover. Provides cover if you’re found liable to pay compensation to someone for up to $20 million for payment of compensation relating to death, bodily injury or illness, and/or physical loss of or damage to property caused by an accident (or series of accidents).

11Allianz may agree with you to use a repairer (other than the one you selected) or pay you reasonable repair costs. We will act reasonably in doing so.