
Interest rates

Product NameInterest RateComparison rate
Online-only special Fixed Rate☉︎§︎#^8.69% p.a.9.19% p.a.
Special Fixed Rate☉︎§︎#8.99% p.a.9.35% p.a.
Fixed Rate☉︎#10.99% p.a.11.35% p.a.
Variable Rate☉︎13.60% p.a.13.97% p.a.

All Education Community Car Loan interest rates

Product NameInterest RateComparison rate
Education Community Online-only special Fixed Rate☉︎µ︎§︎#^7.69% p.a.7.69% p.a.
Education Community Special Fixed Rate☉︎µ︎§︎#^7.99% p.a.7.99% p.a.
Education Community Fixed Rate☉︎µ︎#9.99% p.a.9.99% p.a.
Education Community Variable Rate☉︎µ︎12.60% p.a.12.60% p.a.

The target market for this product can be found within the product’s Target Market Determination (TMD), available at creditunion.atomix.dev/legal/terms-and-conditions/target-market-determination.


Conditions, fees and lending criteria apply and are available on request. Interest rates are subject to change without notice. Comparison rates are based on a $30,000 secured loan over 5 years. WARNING: Comparison rates are true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate.


The special fixed rate personal loan and the online-only special fixed rate personal loan are available when secured by a new or used vehicle less than 5 years old. The fixed rate personal loan is available when secured by a vehicle between 5 and 10 years of age. The variable rate personal loan and the fixed rate Tesla Powerwall loan are unsecured.


The interest rate is fixed for the life of the loan up to a maximum of 7 years. For the Tesla Powerwall Loan, the rate is fixed for up to 5 years.


For new business only. To qualify for the online-only product, applications must be completed using the online form.


Knowledge Counts banking benefits are available to any current or retired employee of the South Australian education community and students carrying out studies in education, and their immediate family (parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren, siblings and partners only).